Chrissy Buteas, Chief Government Affairs Officer
On behalf of our member companies that provide over 1 million jobs in the state and make NJBIA the largest statewide employer association in the nation, thank you for the opportunity to express our support for A-2614, sponsored by Assemblywomen Carol A. Murphy (D-7) and Britnee N. Timberlake (D-34), and Assemblyman Daniel R. Benson (D-14).
In the last couple of decades, the world has rapidly digitized. While New Jersey’s government has updated some of its platforms, many of its online platforms remain outdated and inadequate. A-2614 would improve the public’s access to vital information and services provided by state agencies by creating a framework to modernize state agency online platforms.
The state’s outdated systems cause inefficiency and harm to those who rely on them for important information. The private sector has rapidly digitized, leading to seamless user experiences that are constantly updated to improve delivery of information and services. On the other hand, state agency websites have fallen behind, leading to frustrating user experiences. The state Unemployment Insurance (UI) system’s delays during the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the substantial harm that these outdated systems can cause. This bill would ensure that we learn from those lessons and work to constantly improve and modernize the state’s online provision of information and services.
NJBIA believes the enhanced efficiency this bill would create would benefit all who live, work, and visit the Garden State. Whether you are an individual researching tax information, a new or existing business working on permit applications, or a tourist seeking information on state attractions, online platforms make that information or service easier to access. A-2614 provides a clear framework for achieving that accessibility.
Thank you for hearing my testimony. NJBIA supports this bill and the strides it takes to improve the way state agencies provide information and services. If you have any questions, please contact me at cbuteas@njbia.org.