Join a Policy Committee
By joining a NJBIA Policy Committee, you are a member of a select group of members from many different businesses who share a common interest in a particular area of concern.
NJBIA members must have access to a well-trained and educated workforce. This is why education and workforce development is so critical. Our most recent Business Outlook Survey shows entry-level employees generally lack employability skills. These skills include writing, verbal communication, critical thinking and time management. There is also a technical skills gap, particularly in manufacturing.
In 2018 NJBIA released The Education Equation: Strategies for Retaining and Attracting New Jersey’s Future Workforce. It outlines strategies to prepare New Jersey’s future workforce. It also focuses attention on building a dynamic brand for New Jersey higher education and how to build career readiness standards into all curriculum of K-16 education.
NJBIA works with academia, government and our members to ensure that programs are developed and implemented. These programs strengthen the state’s workforce pipeline and closes the existing skills gap. Thanks to these efforts, several programs have already been implemented.
If you have questions, please contact Chris Emigholz at cemigholz@njbia.org.
Committee MeetingsGood morning! We are Christopher Emigholz, the Chief Government Affairs Officer for the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA), and Althea D. Ford, NJBIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs covering education. Thank you Chairwoman Lampitt and the members of the Assembly Education Committee, for considering our perspective on A-4639, and on behalf of our […]
Good morning! We are Christopher Emigholz, the Chief Government Affairs Officer for the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA), and Althea D. Ford, NJBIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs covering education. Thank you, Chairwoman Lampitt and the members of the Assembly Education Committee, for posting A-4496 and to Speaker Coughlin and Chairwoman Lampitt for […]
On behalf of our member companies that make NJBIA the largest and most impactful statewide business association in the nation, thank you to Assemblymen Conaway and Wirths for sponsoring this bill and to Chairwoman Jasey for posting it and allowing us the opportunity to express our very strong support for A-2014/S-659. Workforce Crisis As we […]
An Assembly committee has approved two bills supported by NJBIA that provide $249 million for career vocational and technical education from the Securing Our Children’s Future Fund. The Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday released A-5888 (DeAngelo/Armato/Quijano), which appropriates $26.4 million for Career and Technical Education (CTE) at nine county colleges. The committee also released A-5889 […]
NJBIA supported a bill on Thursday that commits $3 million from the state Supplemental Workforce Fund for Basic Skills to the NJBIA Basic Skills Training Program, administered through the New Jersey Community College Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development. Bill S-793, sponsored by Senator Sandra Cunningham (D-31), was unanimously released by the Senate Labor Committee. […]
Senate President Steve Sweeney on Friday introduced a bill, strongly supported by NJBIA, that would provide tax credits to businesses that employ the developmentally disabled. The legislation would allow a credit against corporation business tax liability or gross income tax liability of 10% of the salary and wages paid to an employee with a developmental […]
By joining a NJBIA Policy Committee, you are a member of a select group of members from many different businesses who share a common interest in a particular area of concern.