Join a Policy Committee
By joining a NJBIA Policy Committee, you are a member of a select group of members from many different businesses who share a common interest in a particular area of concern.
Manufacturing in New Jersey is no longer just the smokestack industries we remember from years ago. Today, employers in manufacturing facilities also oversee the work of highly skilled employees on computer automated machines that require attention to detail and the ability to solve complex problems.
Manufacturing is a $54.4 billion industry with jobs averaging $97,281 a year, higher than the wages paid to many employees in finance, insurance and real estate. NJBIA supports legislation that helps the manufacturing industry thrive. And thrive it does, as our Business Outlook Survey shows optimism for continued growth in durable and non-durable manufacturing.
Get information about critical issues related to State manufacturing policy, legislation and regulations. Updates on programs designed to train skilled workers is also provided on a regular basis.
If you have questions, please contact Ray Cantor at rcantor@njbia.org.
Committee MeetingsOn behalf of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association, the largest most influential business association in New Jersey, please accept the following testimony on the package of automobile insurance bills before the Senate Commerce Committee on Monday. Our members range from the smallest Main Street business to the largest corporations in the state; thus, […]
On behalf of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association I am voicing our objections to Assembly Bill No. 6246 concerning hotel sales and service disruptions. We have three main concerns: 1) this bill is not needed to protect employee rights; 2) it harms needed flexibility to keep these businesses viable; and 3) it needlessly regulates […]
On behalf of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association I am voicing our objections to Senate Bill No. 4295 concerning hotel sales and service disruptions. We have three main concerns: 1) this bill is not needed to protect employee rights; 2) it harms needed flexibility to keep these businesses viable; and 3) it needlessly regulates […]
NJBIA testified on Tuesday in support of a bill that would strengthen manufacturing career pathways at county colleges and county vo-tech schools, create fellowships to support entrepreneurs in STEM fields, and provide $10 million in grants to higher education institutions to expand manufacturing curricula. NJBIA Vice President of Government Affairs Christopher Emigholz told the Senate […]
The National Association of Manufacturers has released a study showing the proposed reversal of the 2017 federal tax cuts now under consideration to pay for the president’s infrastructure program would lead to the loss of 1 million jobs in the first two years. Rice University economists John Diamond and George Zodrow calculated the effects of […]
A pair of longtime New Jersey manufacturers are calling for Gov. Phil Murphy to sign new legislation that would give the opportunity for more government efficiency and less red tape for business. An op-ed appearing in ROI-NJ on Monday from Brian F. Neuwirth, president of UNEX Manufacturing in Lakewood, and Clifford Lindholm, president & CEO, […]
By joining a NJBIA Policy Committee, you are a member of a select group of members from many different businesses who share a common interest in a particular area of concern.